“I’ll drink it!” offered Johanna, panicked.

Johanna did not know how to repay Genevieve after what the latter had done.

Brandy is unlike wine. The former has a higher alcoholic content.

Johanna could not allow Genevieve to drink it.

“No. Only Ms. Rachford is allowed to drink it.” Gabriel glanced sideways at Johanna. “You drinking it doesn’t count.”

Johanna was so furious that her face went pale.

“Why are you being so aggressive, Mr. Jimmond?” Steven, who was standing silently at the side, spoke up coldly. “Before Mr. Faulkner was unconscious, he and Ms. Wood had a great relationship. A lot of projects and collaborations with the Wood family were due to the generosity of Mr. Faulkner. How could the Wood family treat Mr. Faulkner’s wife so badly in return?”

In a demure manner, Gabriel explained, “It’s not me who’s being aggressive. Mr. Wood called and said that his sister was bullied when she was at the Central Group shareholders’ meeting, so much so that the baby in her stomach was kicking around. Not to mention that if it’s so easy to take Ambrosia’s staff away, other guests would start following in Mrs. Faulkner’s footsteps. Sooner or later, there would be no escorts left in Ambrosia.”

Gabriel pointed to the bottle of brandy on the table. “Mr. Wood said that as long as Mrs. Faulkner can finish this bottle of brandy, he would consider that an apology for his sister.” He turned his gaze to Johanna before adding, “And you’re free to take this woman away.”

Steven’s eyes darkened. “Make it two bottles. I’ll drink it in her place-”

need for that, Steven.” Genevieve cut him

the last say in whether or not Johanna could leave. Moreover, Xavier

Xavier was hell-bent on making

unfazed, knowing that there would be other opportunities for her to take

picked up the glass of brandy on the table and toasted Gabriel. “A bottle of brandy, am I right,

raised the glass to her lips and downed the liquor in

swallowed. Frowning slightly, Genevieve waited for the waiter

the side, Johanna looked on helplessly with tears in her eyes. She twisted her fingers together,

and her body beginning to

final glass, Genevieve tipped the glass over to prove that

of the brandy, Gabriel passed her the IOU as agreed upon

the club did Genevieve rushed toward a corner and threw up. Her body shook as emptied her stomach, causing her to support herself on the

rubbed Genevieve’s back. Tears streamed down her face as she

Genevieve felt much

while rinsing her mouth with the water that was handed to her by

for support. As they were walking, Johanna was still sobbing her heart out. “You’re too kind,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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