“I was supposed to follow my mother after the divorce, but she remarried when I was in the second half of the eleventh grade. The man was rich and had his own children, so my mother arranged for me to study overseas to hide the fact that she had a child. She had often visited me in the first two years, but that was about it. She had stopped coming to visit me since then,” Johanna told her story in a hoarse voice.

Her eyes turned red as she continued, “I wanted to visit her when I came back last year, but she refused to meet me. She gave her a credit card and warned me not to look for her. If I did, she would stop giving me money-”

“I’m not after her money. I just want to spend time with her. Does she not think of me as her daughter?” Johanna said in between sobs while sprawling over the table.

Genevieve could only stroke her back to console her.

Genevieve still remembered how Johanna used to tell her that her parents were the happiest couple in the world during their school days. At that time, Johanna also thought she was the luckiest girl in the world.

Little did she expect her parents would part ways when she was in the eleventh grade.

“But it’s okay now. It’s fine if she doesn’t want to acknowledge me as her daughter. No big deal.” She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

“I’m an adult now, and I can look after myself. What drove me mad is my gambler father lied to me, telling me he had cancer. He even sold me to a whor* house!” Johanna trembled in anger when she recalled what her father did.

“He had never shown any concern about my life and death after divorcing my mom, yet he had the guts to sell me off? What a monster!”

embraced Genevieve. “Thank God I met you, Genev. My life would have been over if it weren’t for you, and the world would never get a chance

could not take it. Johanna was just as expressive as she was during their school days. “You better behave if you don’t want me to

eating her food. After a few bites, she could not stop herself from asking Genevieve why

also wanted to know why Gabriel called Genevieve

on Twitter,” Genevieve replied before walking to the

out of the shower, Johanna had read

teary, and she went up and gave Genevieve a hug. “Genev, you and I are destined to a hapless fate. I can’t believe you’ve become a widow at such a young age, you poor thing! But it’s all right. I’m here with you and I can be

but no thanks! I want a man to

what Genevieve said. She then fell into a

day, they went to the hotel

“My dad should still be around

want to look for him?” Genevieve tilted her head aside

me, he might come to me and sell me for the second time. He did it once, and he can do it again!” Johanna pouted and stuck a fork on a strip of bacon. “I

wondered if she was capable of teaching

asked Steven, “Can we find

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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