Yorick’s eyes flickered as he tried to explain, “I was only putting you under their care for a few days as I’ve planned to redeem you once I won some money. In fact, I’ve decided to redeem you tonight.”

“Save it!” Johanna wiped the tears off her face. “You expect me to believe the story you made up?”

Yorick got up from the recliner and tried to grab her hand. “I haven’t seen you in years. You look much prettier than you’re on screen. You’ve grown to become a lovely woman now. Come, I’ll take you to dinner and buy you clothes. Please forgive me, all right?”

Before Yorick could touch her hand, Johanna took a few steps back. “Do you still see me as your daughter? You’ve lost your daughter the minute you sold me away!”

“It’s my fault, Jojo. You can blame me all you want,” Yorick coaxed.

“But I’m your father. Your mom has abandoned you, and I’m the only family member you can count on now.”

Johanna gritted her teeth and did not give him a response. Yorick continued, “Your stepfather has his own kids. That’s why your mom sent you out of the country. You must have felt lonely. I’ll not do that to you, I promise! We’re a family, and family members don’t hold grudges for long, do they?”

Genevieve knew Yorick was merely playing the sympathy card. But since Johanna was the one who wanted to meet her father, Genevieve was not in any position to intervene.

make the next move, Steven returned after getting the other

up to Johanna and handed something to her. “Here’s the thing you asked

pass a

with sharp edges glinted under the

tingle. “Jojo,

he saw the determined look on Johanna’s face

sharp-eyed Steven caught him and grabbed

had never exercised because of his gambling obsession, was a skinny man. He shrieked in pain as if Steven was about

the sharp edges of the chopper. She then sniffed and

making him kneel, Steven grabbed his hand and

and howled in fear. “Have you forgotten how I cared about you when you were a kid? On your eighteenth birthday, I even got someone to airmail you

over twenty million last night, and I promise to use the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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