Chapter 2308

Once Nelson Corbyn finished his homework in the evening, Kyla said to her son, “I’m going to L City tomorrow. You’re going to be home alone with Grandma for the next few days. You’re a young man now. Be good and take care of Grandma. Wait for my return, okay?”

Nelson Corbyn blinked. “Mommy, are you going to look for Daddy?”

Kyla hesitated a little. “I need to talk to your daddy about

something. I should be back in a few days.”

“Mommy, are you going to be with Daddy?” the childish voice. asked suddenly.

Kyla froze a little. Moments later, she said, “Things between

Daddy and I will continue like they are now. Although we’re not together, we love you and… I wish that your daddy will be safe and healthy no matter the relationship between us.”

Nelson Corbyn asked in confusion, “Mommy, are you not with

Daddy because he was too mean to you?”

Kyla touched her son’s head. “You’ll understand when you grow

  1. Alright, it’s late. Go to bed after washing up.”

    with a muddled mind,

    But when will I be considered to have grown

    did not hate his father that much anymore, especially after

    and the sibling in his mother’s belly. All


    then… I don’t have to hate


    son fell asleep, Kyla booked herself a high-speed


    passengers at



    see him again? I was so

    look for him

    he agree to help me or

    it been since I

    to jump

    about it!

    going backward. Her mood had slightly relaxed just a

    few hours, but what should I say when

    see Martin Weiss?

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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