Chapter 2309

When Kyla walked out of the train station and saw the familiar yet strange scenery, she could not help feeling emotional.

She grew up in this city, fell in love with Martin Weiss here, and

was sent to prison here. In the end, she chose to escape tMason Swansonty.

Today, she came back to tMason Swansonty of her own accord.

She took a deep breath, took out her phone, and called Martin Weiss’s number. However, all she got in reply was a busy signal. She could not get through at all.

Kyla hesitated and dialed another number.

She got the number after she and Martin Weiss separated. One

afternoon, Martin Weiss sent her a message with the number.

He said she could call the number if she needed anything and

someone would help her.

Just a moment later, the call got through and a man’s voice came

the line. “Hello… Is

Yes, it’s

Chairman Weiss’s personal secretary. Chairman Weiss told

can tell me if you need anything!” they replied respectfully.

L City’s train station. But I can’t get through to him on his phone.

me?” she



Miss Corbyn. That’s why he


tasted bitterness in her mouth. She was

not to see

him in

him,” she said in a panic.

“Miss Corbyn, are you at

first? We’ll talk about the rest after we

about it and said, “Okay.” Then,

exact location.

there. You can order a drink and wait

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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