Chapter 2315

However, he had only done what she had done to him. She was

so ruthless to him that day at the hospital, and he was only doing the same to her now.

She raised her hand to where her heart was.

‘Was he in such pain that day? It hurts so bad that I can hardly breathe!’

“What? Kyla has gone to L City?” In Emerald City, Grace was at the store and learned from Mrs. Corbyn that Kyla had gone to L City by herself.

“Yeah, she said she wants to meet Martin Weiss in person and talk about Jacqueline Bowman,” said Mrs. Corbyn.

“But Kyla is pregnant and alone over there…”

“There’s a man named Mallory Malcom. He’s Martin Weiss’s personal secretary. He helped Kyla with food and accommodation. She can also ask him for help if there’s anything else she needs. He said Martin Weiss has ordered him to do so.” Mrs. Corbyn explained what she had learned from her daughter yesterday while on the phone.

Grace breathed a sigh of relief, but she called Kyla anyway on her

way home.

“Kyla, why did you go to L City to see Martin Weiss without saying

pregnant. You have to be careful

there,” said Grace.

replied, “Got it, I’ll be careful. You don’t have to

  1. I’m doing… fine.”

see Martin Weiss today?” asked

of the phone was silent.

Kyla, did something happen?”

Jacqueline Bowman probation. I… I plan

way to give Jacqueline Bowman the punishment she deserves while finding out where your friend is!”

to delay things any longer. I want to solve this problem as soon as possible. Finding out Amber Mitchell’s

now,” said Kyla.


same thing if Lina was in a

this, wouldn’t

for a moment before saying,

there, call me. I have a few

who can help.”

“Okay,” answered Kyla.

after ending the phone

meeting Martin Weiss today, she felt more

attitude toward her was so frigid.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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