Chapter 2316

Kyla watched the time as she waited.

Even if he had put their relationship behind him and was cold and unfeeling toward her, she still wanted to ask him.

It was because she did not have any other way.

It was all she could do.

Finally, she saw the gates of Weiss Residence opening slowly. A

black sedan gradually drove out.

Kyla hurried forward and approached the backseat window. Looking at the glass window, she shouted, “Martin, hear me out. I know you don’t want to see me, but I really need you to agree to


In the car, the driver in the front asked, “Mr. Weiss, should I stop?”

“No need. Drive straight to the company,” Martin Weiss said

indifférently as he moved his gaze away from Kyla who was

outside the car window.

this woman anymore, so… even if she banged on the

would still

car… drove

expression was

stop at

flatly refused him when he so earnestly begged

was the one who hurt him

to hail a


option was to go

her and let her in right away this time. When Kyla said she was here to see Martin Weiss,

pressed the elevator

we didn’t know who you were last time and it was

you’ll be the bigger person and forgive us,” she

understood that Mallory

had given them

employee had no idea that

to see her

happened yesterday.

said Kyla.

the receptionist exited

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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