Chapter 2328

Kyla subconsciously stepped back until she reached the wall.

There was no more room behind her.

His hands were pressed against the walls on either side of her body. It almost seemed as if she was imprisoned in his arms.

He leaned down gently, his breath spraying on her face while his cold voice rang in her ears. “Do you regret it?”

She shuddered, her long eyelashes covering her eyes. She had experienced too many things. Moments later, she looked up at him. “I just made the best choice for you and me.”

“The best choice?” He looked at her mockingly. “Who are you to say you and me? Did you ask me? You arrogantly decided without even asking me!”

“I…” She paused.

He raised his fingers to her lips. “You know what? If you had said that you regretted it, maybe I would’ve said yes to your request and let Jacqueline Bowman off. Unfortunately, you missed the chance.”

She met his eyes. “You wouldn’t say yes to my request even if I did say I regretted it.” It was because he was no longer the man who

Chapter 2328


agree so easily just because she

she regretted it.

she understood how

to someone he did not

she had

ask for help from if

There was a hint of jealousy in his voice that

looked at Martin Weiss in surprise.

mention him? Does he mean a lot to you? Kyla, how dare you? One moment,

has nothing to do with us. I just ran into him on

L City like that.

would not believe her no matter how

Chapter 2328


Weiss. I’m sorry for

Don’t take your anger out on Chase,” she said.

explanation irritated him. The mention

afraid I’ll lay a hand on him and take my

want innocent people to

don’t love Chase

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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