Chapter 2329


“I don’t have anyone I love… at the moment. I just want to raise my two children in peace,” she whispered.

He said, “It would be best if that’s true. I don’t want my children to call another man ‘Daddy’.”

Martin Weiss stepped back after saying that. Then, he stuffed the phone he was holding back into her hands.

“Kyla, instead of spending time with Chase Harper, why don’t you figure out how to get me to agree to your request? After all, you came to Emerald City to ask me for help, didn’t you?” he said.

She bit her red lip and glared at him.

Once Martin Weiss left the room, Kyla seemed to go weak.

She did not know why Martin Weiss suddenly burst into her room and spoke to her like that.

Did he come here to throw a tantrum because he was jealous after seeing her and Chase together?

been possible if it were

lost his feelings for her? He should

Chapter 2329

jealous, then.


last words seemed to be encouraging her to beg him


Kyla was confused.

hand, after Martin

stepped forward and said, “You’re back. Why are

engagements,” Martin Weiss

a banquet in a couple of days, and I’d like you to

Weiss raised his hand and rubbed his brows. He knew that many socialites in tMason Swansonty would probably be attending the banquet

his mother had started introducing him to some of tMason Swansonty’s socialites.

for me to attend these things,”

of the children. I think Kyla won’t refuse if you ask for a

Chapter 2329

can give her more compensation,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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