Chapter 2330


It was not until Martin Weiss was upstairs that Mrs. Weiss heaved

a sigh of relief. She felt guilty when her son stared at her like that.

When Martin Weiss returned to his room, the driver texted him to tell him where Chase Harper was staying.

Martin Weiss dialed a number on his phone and said to the person on the other end of the line, “I’ll text you something later. Help me find out the purpose of this person’s visit to L City and his recent itinerary. Besides that, I want you to get men to follow someone.”

“Okay, Mr. Weiss,” they replied respectfully.

Martin Weiss put down the phone, went to a secret door in the room, and pushed it open.

It was a square room about ten square feet.

However, there was a mannequin in the middle of the room that wore a white wedding dress, veil, shoes, and others. It was a complete set.

He had the wedding dress custom-made according to Kyla’s size.

the wedding dress, so she

Chapter 2330

around the room. There were photos of her smiling


facing the camera were photos from when they were dating. At that time, her smile was bright

taken after,

have emptied the

longer had feelings for Kyla, there was no need for

he was somewhat reluctant to do it as if he

he nostalgic about?

love you anymore,” he murmured as

had been thinking about Martin Weiss’s

if he could find

Chapter 2330


abroad, and Martin Weiss probably paid them.

hypnotized him.

their whereabouts

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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