Chapter 2331

Jason said, “Do you pity Kyla? But I think Martin Weiss is more pitiful. Kyla could still live a good life after they separated, but Martin Weiss couldn’t. He couldn’t continue living at all. That’s why he chose to undergo hypnosis.”

“But Kyla is probably still in love with Martin Weiss. There might be other reasons that led her to make that decision,” said Grace.

“But for whatever reason, she still chose to separate from Martin Weiss in the end, didn’t she?”

Jason’s question left Grace speechless.

“That only shows that she might not love Martin Weiss that much after all. It might be best for Martin Weiss to forget about their relationship.”

Grace knew that perhaps he was right, but the thought of Kyla possibly being given the cold shoulder by Martin Weiss in L City made her worry about her best friend.

Even if Kyla did not love him that deeply, it was sad when only one person remembered the relationship.

“Alright, stop thinking about them.” Jason hugged Grace and

said, “Even if Kyla is your friend and you’re worried about her, this

Chapter 2331

no use worrying about it. Why don’t you care more

muttered, “How could I not care

“Really?” he asked.


he took her hand and gently kissed her fingertips. “Think of me more often. I want you

seemed like a spell. Those dark peach blossom eyes shone brightly and alluringly

as she found her fingertips


her, and it always

irresistible to her.

gazed intensely at her as his lips kissed her fingertips. She could hardly control herself

look in his


Chapter 2331

on his lips. It was gorgeous


kissing Jason’s lips. “Jay, you know what? Seeing you like this reminds me of something I read in

“What is it?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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