Chapter 2340

“But I want you to promise me not to appear in front of Martin and

affect his life again unless it’s related to the children!” said Mrs. Weiss.

Kyla was about to speak when the private room door was suddenly pushed open. However, the person who entered was not a staff of the club but Martin Weiss.

“Shouldn’t you ask me before saying yes? After all, I’m involved, aren’t I?” Martin Weiss entered the private room, pulled a chair, and sat down.

Mrs. Weiss was shocked to see her son appear. “What are you doing here, Martin?”

“If I hadn’t come, would you have negotiated the terms without me?” asked Martin Weiss.

Martin Weiss said as his eyes rested on Kyla. “What’s the deal you negotiated with my mother? Did my mother ask you to promise not to appear in front of me again before she’ll help you get Jacqueline Bowman out on probation?”

Even if he did not overhear the full conversation, he could still figure it out from the last sentence said when he entered.

Chapter 2340

stiffened, pressed her lips together tightly, and remained



it clear to you today that my mother can’t help you with this. Jacqueline Bowman will be given a heavy sentence. You can try other ways to find out your

clenched, while her shoulders shuddered gently as if she was under

trying to make a deal with. my

you forgotten how she dumped you before this? You’ve done enough

of it,” Martin Weiss turned to say to his mother.

stay out of it?’ Mrs. Weiss sighed to herself. She did not want to face the possibility of losing her

Bowman for now and end things with Kyla. Even if Jacqueline

Chapter 2340

ways to send her back to jail. I’ll make that woman miserable! But… leave Kyla alone,


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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