Chapter 2341

“Mom, I still have something to take care of. I’ll take her with me. first. She’s not going to eat with you.” With that said, Martin Weiss led Kyla out of the private room.

Sitting alone in the private room, Mrs. Weiss’s eyes were full of anger. Her son excelled in everything, and she hardly ever had to worry about him.

However, her son was a mess in romantic relationships.

Now, he was involved with Kyla again. She was afraid that her son would lose his life for Kyla one day.

“Karma! This is karma!” Mrs. Weiss sighed bitterly.

Martin Weiss led Kyla out of the club. Before she could speak, she was stuffed into the backseat of the car.

Kyla shouted, “Martin Weiss! What are you doing? Where are you taking me?”

“Since it’s time to eat, we’re going for a meal first,” said Martin Weiss before instructing the driver to drive.

As the car drove slowly away from the club, Kyla twisted her wrist

to free herself from Martin Weiss’s grasp.

Chapter 2341


were you going

appear before me again?” His


stiffened. The car was filled with a sense of danger that made her hair stand on

was as if she might not be able to afford the consequences if she gave the

unable to utter the word ‘yes’.

“Since you’ve appeared in front of me and insisted on disturbing me, it’s

Her heart trembled.

restaurant. Martin Weiss got out

Weiss.” A manager came forward. “Do you still wish to


respectfully led the two

table with a screen

Chapter 2341


of the Weiss family had brought a

for a meal, the manager would

should not be curious about… despite

dying from curiosity!

“Order whatever

pretty good. It’s easy to digest.


never been here before. I don’t know what tastes good. Why don’t you order?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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