Chapter 2342

What about now? Why was he peeling shrimps for her again?

He should not have feelings for her anymore. Besides, she had something to ask of him. What was his purpose in peeling the shrimps for her?

Once he finished peeling a shrimp, he put it into her bowl. Instead of eating it, she just stared blankly at the peeled shrimp.

“Are you not going to eat it?” His voice rang in her ears.

She pressed her lips together and took a deep breath. “Martin Weiss, are you trying to get back at me?”

His eyes narrowed as he glared at her.

“Aren’t you trying to get back at me because I ruthlessly chose to separate from you and trampled on your pride?” she looked up at him and said.

He asked grimly, “Do you think I’m trying to get back at you?”

“You have no feelings for me, but you’re peeling shrimps for me.” She smiled sadly. “Your gentleness makes me wonder if you want me to fall in love with you again so you can make me suffer the pain of unrequited love.”

Chapter 2342

was cold. “So?”


I hope you’ll do it after the baby is safely born. Also, as your mother said, you can find other ways to convict Jacqueline Bowman later as long as you spare her for now. If you agree… you can get

“Kyla, you’re so conceited!”

the table as she looked at

smiled ruefully. Perhaps everything she said now would

shrimp he had just peeled for her. She put it in her mouth. Why

was standing in front of the mirror at the bathroom sink. He looked at himself in

reminded her of revenge! However… even he could not explain why he peeled

natural thing to do. It was as if his body

Chapter 2342

and pathetic!

chosen to forget the relationship. He should not feel


she stood in front of him, but his body

help itself sometimes.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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