Chapter 2343

When Chase Harper called her the next day, she said, “Chase, about that… I don’t need you to help me take the pastries back anymore. I’m going back to Emerald City too.”

“Are you going to go back too? When?” asked Chase Harper.

“Probably in the next couple of days. I have to check the high-speed train schedule,” said Kyla.

“Why don’t you join me tomorrow? You’re pregnant. It’s safer to have someone look after you. There are still seats on the carriage I booked. I can just switch seats with someone else,” said Chase Harper.

Kyla thought about it and agreed. After all, she should be careful now that she was pregnant. It was better to have someone she knew look out for her.

Therefore, Kyla asked Chase Harper about his train ride and carriage before booking a ticket back to Emerald City tomorrow on her phone.

Then, she called Mallory Malcom. “Mallory, I’ll be returning to Emerald City tomorrow. Please help me check out of the hotel.”

Mallory Malcom froze. “Tomorrow?”

Chapter 2343


“Yes, tomorrow. There’s no point in staying here any longer. I might as well return sooner. Thank you for all the help these days,” she said politely.

ended the call, she let out a little

after her departure. Maybe when she did get a chance to see him again. years from now, he would

it made her feel a clenching pain

the heartache and told herself that she had made this choice. She did it in hopes that he could live a

this relationship and no longer loves me. Is it not the best

a good life, so what

have nothing to regret!’ she

to Martin Weiss’s office and said, “Chairman Weiss, Miss

He looked up at

Chapter 2343



cold as his fingers

‘She’s… going back?

Is she leaving my

already peaceful mind when she

had messed him up, she was

can’t I shut her out of

mind flashed back to the conversation he had

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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