Chapter 2353


“What’s the matter? You don’t want me here? Who do you want

here, then? Chase Harper?” he asked in reply.

Kyla bit her lip. “No, I just thought… you had gone home to rest.” Instead, he was waiting in her ward.

He had no feelings for her anymore.

Martin Weiss stared at the person in front of him and slowly said, “Kyla, the doctor said that the pain will flare up again if your insist on having this baby. Are you going to insist on keeping this pregnancy until the child is seven months old?”

“Yeah. I decided to keep the baby back then, so there’s no need to think about anything else now,” she said.

“Will you insist on giving birth to the baby even if it might shorten your life? Perhaps you’ll live to be 70 or 80 without this baby, but giving birth to them can only let you live till 60,” he said.

She froze slightly before chuckling. “I think it’s pretty good to live to 60. Isn’t there a saying, ‘You’ll never know what comes first, tomorrow or an accident’? If I live to 60, my mother would have passed away by then and Nelson would be in his 30s, a fully grown adult. The baby would be 25. They would’ve graduated from university and have a stable job. Perhaps they would already

Chapter 2353


and have found the person they

be alive and well even if I’m no


smiled as though she was content to live to 60.

of her mother and her children

to 60, then I…’ A

intently at the person in front of him. Moments later, he finally murmured, “Kyla,

and she looked at them with a hint of confusion.

will live like a normal married couple until we get divorced. We’ll divorce a year after the baby

Weiss to

She did not understand it.

I couldn’t get before,” he said while looking at her mockingly. “People are like this sometimes. The

Chapter 2353

do get it, they might find that it’s nothing much.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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