Chapter 2354

Kyla was the only one in the empty ward.

She was still a little stunned, not expecting that things would take such a turn.

Martin Weiss… agreed to let Jacqueline Bowman off on probation in exchange for… a period of real married life with her.

However, Martin Weiss’s goal must be to prove that… there was nothing special about being a real married couple with her. Kyla smiled bitterly. It would be nice. At least… she got to spend more time with him.

Perhaps their married life during this time would become her most precious memory.

When Martin Weiss returned to the Weiss family’s house,

Mrs. Weiss was still awake. When she saw her son return, she immediately asked, “Why did you come home so late? I almost thought…”

did you think? Did you think I’d go back to

Chapter 2354


awkwardly as she tried hard to

Emerald City, so leave her alone. I’ll find you any woman you want. If you like Kyla’s

belly was hurting today, so I sent her to the hospital. She’ll probably have to stay

shocked to hear that. However, what her son said next

affairs here and go to Emerald City too. I’ve agreed to her request of letting Jacqueline Bowman off on probation but

with her? A real

I’ve made up my mind!” said Martin Weiss.

when he was about to walk upstairs, Mrs.

her son’s arm. “Martin, can’t you get over

Chapter 2354

why you want to be with her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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