Chapter 2361


Kyla looked at the unit that was more than goo square meters in front of her. It had exquisite furnishing, and everything was now. It looked just like those sample houses. It had everything it should have, maybe except a breath of life!

However, Kyla replied to Martin Weiss, “Okay, I’ll think about it.”

“Also, move here in a couple of days, I’ll send someone over to help you move your things,” he said.

“In a couple of days?” She was shocked.

“So soon?”

He asked in reply, “Is it too soon? How

Chapter 2361

for now…

think I would be interested in a pregnant woman or a woman who just gave birth? How charming do you think you are to tempt


His words seemed to be telling her not


home,” said

entrance, Martin Weiss said, “Kyla, I hope you’ll play the role of a good wife for

be setting himself free

quivered a little. When she heard him say he would set her free, her heart instantly ached.

had never been free.

Not for the


the car door and

Chapter 2361

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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