Chapter 2362


Kyla said, “Yeah, in these couple of days. But it’s a good thing that the place isn’t far. It’s only two blocks from here, so it’s easy for me to come over. It’s just that you have to look after Nelson these days.”

“Nelson’s my grandson. It’s my duty to look after him. But you’re pregnant. Can a man like him take good care of you?” Mrs. Corbyn asked worriedly.

Kyla comforted her mother, saying, “Even if he can’t take good care of me, he’ll find someone to do it. Besides, I can come over when he’s not around, can’t I? I’ll probably come here during the day and only go back at night. It’s not like I have to be with him 24/7.”

“You’re right.” Mrs. Corbyn thought about it and felt some relief. If it became inconvenient for her daughter to move around, she would go to her place to take care of her during the day. She could just find someone to temporarily help out at the store.

The next day, Kyla told her son about it.

However, she could only tell Nelson that she would be staying at his father’s place for a while to rest and take good care of the baby.

Nelson said sensibly, “Mommy, you must rest well and give birth to my sibling safely. I’ll be good and take good care of

Chapter 2362 Grandma!”

at her sensible son with a pang of


so privileged. He would have led a life envied by many. He would not have to


not even ten years old but had been through many more experiences than the average

give birth to your sibling safely,” said Kyla.

hugged Kyla. “Mommy, will you really come back? Will… Will

be back. I’ll still like you even after giving birth to your sibling!

buried his head in Kyla’s arms and

knew that his mother was pregnant. Some students told him that his mother would like his sibling more, especially if they were healthier than him. When you compared

he looked forward to the arrival of the baby sibling his mother was carrying, he could

Chapter 2362


him. What would he do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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