Chapter 2379

“What… What happened to her finger? She used to have all ten fingers!” Kyla said quickly.

Grace said, “She had already lost it when she was admitted to the mental hospital eight years ago. We don’t know how she lost it.”

“I… I’m going to Deer City. I want to meet Amber Mitchell!” said Kyla.

Martin Weiss rejected. “No! You’re not in the right shape to travel.”

“But I must go. I must find a way to get Amber Mitchell out!” said Kyla.

“If you want to release Amber Mitchell, I can get someone to check her condition and assess her mental state before making the appropriate arrangements. But you can’t go. What will you and the baby do if she’s mentally ill and attacks you?” Martin Weiss said.

“Amber Mitchell isn’t mentally ill. How could she be? Something must have gone wrong! Didn’t Jacqueline Bowman say Amber Mitchell is living a life more miserable than death? Yes… Jacqueline Bowman might know something! If Amber Mitchell is only an ordinary patient, why would Jacqueline Bowman use the phrase ‘more miserable than death”?” Kyla said.

Chapter 2379



take care of the matter in Deer City while you stay in

me go to Deer City. I can’t be at case until I see Amber Mitchell with my own eyes! I want to see her. I want to ask her

sobbed with teary

Weiss was

don’t you let Kyla go to Deer City? She can’t take care of herself and the baby in Emerald City without worrying if she doesn’t go. I’ll speak to a maternity hospital in

in Kyla’s position, she would probably rush to Deer City

she’ll find a way to go by herself. Wouldn’t

gazed at Kyla’s pained and anxious

much? She’s so panicked after just learning a small piece of news about Amber Mitchell. Has she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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