Chapter 2380

“Don’t forget. We’re husband and wife. Since you want to go to Deer City while pregnant, as your husband, I ought to go too,” he said.

She bit her lip slightly. “Okay, then… Then let’s go together.”

Grace was relieved at this. It would be better if Martin Weiss went with Kyla. In that case, he would be around to handle things if anything happened.

“Kyla, I’ll go with you too. I’ll be able to help in case there’s a legal matter,” said Grace. The main thing was that she was still worried about Kyla. After all, Kyla was pregnant, and her pregnancy was riskier than regular pregnancies.

Kyla looked gratefully at Grace. “Grace, thank you!”

“Don’t mention it. This time, we have to find out whether Amber Mitchell is really mentally ill,” said Grace. According to the information she obtained, it was indeed suspicious that Amber Mitchell was sent to a mental hospital.

told Kyla I’ll accompany her to Deer City today. Y-You won’t blame me for making a decision

eyebrows. “What if I do blame you for it? Are you leaving your

Chapter 2380


now that the condition her friend Amber Mitchell is in… is a far cry


in Deer City if you want to help her? It may

how Amber Mitchell was doing in the mental hospital

neck. “I’ll accompany Kyla to deal with the situation on hand first. If it’s going to take

person in front of him. “A verbal apology isn’t enough.”

With her eyes glimmering slightly, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed

have to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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