Chapter 2390 circumstances.

“Mr. Gregory, this is my wife, Kyla.” Martin Weiss said as he introduced them.

“Hello, Mrs. Weiss.” George Gregory reached out his hand to Kyla to give her a polite handshake.


However, Kyla only stared blankly at him without extending her hand. George Gregory frowned slightly and said with a half-smile, “What’s the matter, Mrs. Weiss? Is it because I look strange?”

“Kyla,” Martin Weiss called out to remind Kyla.

a little distracted just now. Mr. Gregory, you’re not strange;

Gregory smiled

Kyla was not interested in their conversation. Her eyes were focused on George Gregory as if she wanted to get information from hist expressions, manners, and words. She wanted to know

it strange. The senior executives beside George Gregory looked at Martin Weiss, Kyla, and George Gregory in confusion too. They cach

Chapter 2390

own speculation.


him for dinner, Martin Weiss beat him to it by saying,

the meeting to leave. “I wonder what you need,

she has been looking for for many years. She recently found out that her friend was

instantly changed once Martin Weiss finished

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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