Chapter 2391

“It seems that Chairman Weiss and Mrs. Weiss are here for more than just business today.” George Gregory looked cold as he said, “I don’t want to talk about the past. My wife is Louise Mitchell.”

“Mr. Gregory, you’re wrong. Even if your wife is Louise Mitchell, Amber Mitchell is your sister-in-law, isn’t she?” Martin Weiss said.

George Gregory’s eyes grew colder.

“Chairman Weiss, I’m sorry, but I can’t play along if you’re looking for trouble.” With that said, he got up to leave.

“Do you really think Amber Mitchell is mentally ill?” Kyla asked suddenly.

George Gregory’s expression changed slightly. “Could the doctor be wrong with his diagnosis? She’s mentally ill!”

“Can’t the doctor be wrong in his diagnosis? Or do you wish she’s mentally ill?” Kyla demanded.

George Gregory stared at Kyla, a faint flicker of rage in his eyes. “What are you trying to say?”

you ignoring her

Chapter 2391

her once? You’re leaving her


all kinds of abuse in there. She even lost

said as she observed George

shock in his eyes. “What did you say? She lost…

her, know that she’s missing a finger on

glaring coldly at Kyla. “It seems that you’ve investigated everything before coming, but whatever happens to Amber Mitchell is the Mitchell family’s business. It has nothing to do with you. So what

Amber Mitchell would feel if the man she once loved

It’s a pity she

changed abruptly, and he suddenly stretched out his hand

touched Kyla, Martin Weiss

Chapter 2391

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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