Chapter 2400

She was a bastard child for many years until Amber Mitchell’s mother passed away. It was only then her mother succeeded in taking Amber Mitchell’s mother’s place, which officially made her the second heiress of the Mitchell family..

Even so, she had always been ridiculed in high society.

It was not until Amber Mitchell was admitted to a mental hospital that she could hold her head high.


Louise Mitchell’s face reddened, but she had no idea what to say all of a sudden. Whitney Herrera frowned a little after hearing ‘the eldest heiress of the Mitchell family’. After all, the person represented the Moss family’s past scandal.

“It seems that you know things, Mrs. Potter. How about I invite you and Mr. Zhang to come to my house sometime and help me see if the porcelain I bought some time ago is real?” George Gregory’s voice suddenly rang out.

The expression of Mrs. Potter, who had mentioned the words just now, changed slightly before she said weakly, “I was just casually speaking. Don’t mind it, Mr. Gregory.”

“Some things are better left unsaid,” George Gregory said coldly.

Just then, another voice rang out. “You’re right. There are things you shouldn’t say casually. Please tell that to your wife.” Brian

Chapter 2400

the one who

looked up


lightly and met his eyes. The two men confronted each other, and the tension seemed ready to

not mean that he did not know Brian. There was no

“I do need to talk to my wife, lest she says anything

at Grace. “Since my wife misspoke today, I’ll apologize to you, Miss Cummins.

that out of

said, “Okay, I’ll be waiting for

all, Grace had never liked such meals, unless she had other



Chapter 2400

gave Grace a resentful


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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