Chapter 2401

Philip Barlow, who was not far away, also witnessed this.

With a smile on his thin lips, Philip Barlow swayed the wine glass in his hand with a half-smile. It seemed that there would be drama in Deer City!

After leaving the party, Brian said to Grace, “Where do you live now? I’ll send you back.”

Grace rejected and said, “No thanks. If you send me back and someone takes a photo of us, there’ll be a lot of rumors.”

His dark phoenix eyes gazed at the person in front of him. “Are you afraid that Jason will misunderstand you?”

She met his eyes and replied gently, “Yes.”

She spoke so straightforwardly and frankly. She did it so openly and naturally.

Brian had a faint feeling of jealousy.

He had told himself many times that he had no right to be jealous because he was the one who missed his chance. He did not grasp it when he had it.

Chapter 2401

he loves you and trusts you, he won’t


care if he’ll misunderstand, but at the very least, I don’t want to do something that will cause him to misunderstand,” said Grace as

looked at her with longing and love. She knew he

not moved on.

from. It was obvious that it had not been long enough.

got down and greeted Grace respectfully before

that Grace had arranged to pick her up. The driver had stopped nearby. He drove over when he saw Grace walking out of

said to Brian, “Goodbye,

as he reached out his hand to stop her. “Were you trying to get close to Whitney Herrera

froze and looked at Brian in surprise. She did not expect him to be so perceptive that he could see that Whitney Herrera was

Grace’s expression, he

Chapter 2401


to get close to Whitney Herrera, but I can be your stepping stone and help you get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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