Chapter 2402

“Yes, I hope to talk to you more.” Grace smiled at Whitney


“Okay, we’ll make an appointment some time.” With that, Whitney Herrera bade them goodbye and left in a car while holding her husband’s hand.

Grace watched the car drive away and said to Brian, “Thank you. You did me another favor.”

“Grace, I’ll always help you if I can,” said Brian.

“What’s… the point…” Grace said with a sigh. She only felt indescribably stressed when he behaved like this.

“Maybe… it’s meant to be.” He gave a bitter smile.

Grace gazed at the person in front of her. “Brian, if things are meant to be, the one meant for you must still be waiting for


for me?’

and the car slowly left his sight. She kept moving

her as a child… He had never moved on,

Chapter 2402

fallen in love with the



could he possibly have someone who was meant for him?

returned to the hotel. Kyla had already

Kyla and asked Martin Weiss, “How is

will sometimes wake up in the middle of the

Amber Mitchell?”

that Amber Mitchell will continue to

George Gregory are indeed suspicious. Amber Mitchell was admitted to the mental hospital

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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