Chapter 2405

“Even if it doesn’t, I can create one right away.” By this, he meant to tell her that what he had said was no coincidence.

“You know I want to approach Whitney Herrera to ask about Amber Mitchell?”

Brian said, “It wasn’t hard for me to find out that you came here with Kyla, and you went to a mental hospital to see Amber Mitchell before this. So I figured you’re probably here for Amber Mitchell. Did you approach Whitney Herrera to find out what had happened back then?”

Grace admitted it and said, “Yes. I need to know what role the Moss family played in this. According to what others said about what had happened back then, Amber Mitchell’s illness was due to Herman Moss’s death. However, if the person Amber Mitchell loved was George Gregory and not Herman Moss, it wouldn’t make sense to say Amber Mitchell went insane for him.”

“Do you suspect that Amber Mitchell was not sick at the time but was forcibly sent to the mental hospital?” Brian froze and said.

Grace nodded. “It’s possible, isn’t it? Louise Mitchell is the biggest beneficiary after Amber Mitchell was sent to the mental hospital. Later, the Mitchell family merged some resources with the Gregory family. The Gregory family was the one who took the lead. The Gregory family has been taking over the Mitchell

Chapter 2405

little. Maybe the Gregory family is the


certainly is possible. Are you investigating these matters to prove that Amber Mitchell was sent to the mental hospital as part of a conspiracy and then get

“Yeah,” replied Grace.


current one. When I went to the hospital to see Amber Mitchell, she was treated like a dog. The

to get her out of the hospital. I can do

for the people who wronged her,” said Grace. It

it’s the fastest way,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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