Chapter 2406

Whitney Herrera immediately agreed and called her husband.

About 15 minutes later, Daley Moss arrived at the private room.

However, when they talked about the script, Daley Moss glanced at Grace with uncase, not wanting her to hear what they were going to talk about.

“My friend knows Miss Mitchell, so she wants to know what happened between Miss Mitchell and Mr. Herman Moss,” said


Daley Moss looked at Grace’s eyes meaningfully before smiling suddenly. “It seems you just want to know what had happened between my eldest brother and Amber Mitchell since the start, Mr. Hart.”

Brian smiled lightly and said nothing.

the Moss family if he said

other words, my eldest brother loved Amber Mitchell, but she only thought of him as a friend. She loved George Gregory, which my eldest brother told me before his accident. If it hadn’t been for the accident, my brother would have left

2406 gone abroad.”

to the mental hospital because she


I don’t know about that,” said Daley Moss, but there was a

think you might as well tell the truth. The conversation we have today will

too agitated that they kept chasing her out. I spoke to her before she left. She felt bad and was sorry about my brother’s death. She had a clear mind

was mentally ill because of your eldest brother’s death,”

why the Moss family doesn’t want anyone to talk about Amber Mitchell again. We want our eldest brother to have peace after his death. I hope the matter will end there,” said Daley


be at peace if he knows that the woman he loved and

Grace with a

Chapter 2406

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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