Chapter 2407

“Mr. Moss, Miss Cummins is my friend. If the Moss family does anything to her, I can guarantee that the Moss family won’t be safe in Deer City.” Brian’s voice suddenly rang out in the private


Daley Moss looked at Brian. “Mr. Hart, you’re very thoughtful of your friends. But is it worth making an enemy out of the Moss family just for a friend?”

“I owe my life to her. Do you think it’s not worth it, then?” Brian said.

Daley Moss and his wife left. Then, Grace said, “You don’t have to do that to the Moss family for me…”

“Grace, I know you’ve never had romantic feelings for me, and I won’t expect anything else, but it’s up to me to decide if it’s worth it,” said Brian.

Grace did not know what else to say. She could only get up and say goodbye.

Brian did not offer to send her back, but when Grace took a taxi back to the hotel, Brian’s car followed her.

the hotel, Grace got out and was surprised to see

Chapter 2407 Jay!

surprised and


didn’t you say you weren’t coming until



about Mick and Jasper? Didn’t they come


went to Philip Barlow’s

eager to see William, so Mick

“Why did you…”

house and are protected by bodyguards. Nothing will happen. I wanted to see you as soon

his hand and

his hand pause. He was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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