Chapter 2421

Jason said, “Jasper wants to stay in Deer City for a few more days, doesn’t she? Since that’s what she wants, it’s better to fulfill her wish. As for the kindergarten, I’ll make a phone call and ask Uncle Kwan to ask for a leave of absence.”

“But what about your work?” Grace asked.

Jason said, “I can make conference calls for now. The others can be handled through fax and computer. Since the Mitchell family has found out, why don’t we take the opportunity to sort out Amber Mitchell’s matter as soon as possible? That way, you can return to Emerald City sooner as well. I don’t

want you staying in Deer City alone.”

Grace froze and immediately understood that the real reason he wanted to stay in Deer was not that his daughter wanted to stay longer. It was because of her.

“What if we can’t sort out this Amber Mitchell’s matter in

a short time? After all, it’s still unknown where the Mitchell

family has transferred her to,” she said.

“We’ll be able to find out where Amber Mitchell is in three days.

tops,” said Jason.

Chapter 2421



family is looking for her alone. It’s unlikely they’ll find her soon. But if we cooperate with the Barlow family, we’ll find her within three days-unless the Mitchell family has sent Amber Mitchell out of Deer City. I’ll look all over Deer City in

were back at the hotel, Jason took care of the two little ones while Grace went to Kyla’s room

eyes were red when she

you uncomfortable?” Grace

I’m fine,”

Weiss?” Grace looked

realized that Martin Weiss was not in the room.

of something,” said Kyla. She did not tell Grace that Martin Weiss left

Philip Barlow said. that Amber Mitchell…”

Chapter 2421

she would try her best

Mitchell family had

to within three days.

still uneasy, “Will they


was afraid that Amber Mitchell

if the Mitchell family harmed

said, “At least not in the short term. They’ll

public that Amber Mitchell was

better treatment.” It was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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