Chapter 2422

Grace knew that further questioning would not lead to


“Kyla, rest well. Call me if you need anything,” she said.

“Okay,” Kyla smiled.

After Grace left, Kyla smiled ruefully at the silent room.


There was suddenly a movement in her belly. It was the baby


Kyla raised her hand and caressed her belly. “Baby, I’m sorry I can’t give you a complete family, but I just want your daddy to be alive and well. At least that way… your daddy won’t be too

sad when I’m gone one day.”

She did not even know how much time she had left. Maybe she only had a few years. How long would her transplanted liver last after she gave birth?

Everything was like a knife hanging over her head, and it was

at any moment.

her loved one

Chapter 2422

moment came!


in a bar in Deer City.

his mind was a mess.

he had forgotten his feelings and no longer had any love for Kyla, his body seemed to instinctively want to be close

he had for her had

controlling all his body’s reactions.

to prove that he was not

he almost lost himself in that kiss. If it

bit of self-control, he might have done

something he despised.

help myself… Ha, I can’t help myself when


came to Martin Weiss’s side. She wore sexy makeup and had a seductive smile on her face. “Sir, why don’t I have a drink with you? It’s

as she

Chapter 2422


was holding the glass while


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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