Chapter 2423

“I said, get lost!” His cold voice and gaze made the woman


Martin Weiss got up to leave, but several men surrounded


“What’s the matter? Are you planning to leave? We don’t like you treating women like that! You’re not leaving today unless you make things up to this beautiful woman,” the leader of the

men said.

The woman took the opportunity to walk to the man’s side while making herself look pitiful.

Martin Weiss could immediately see that these people were in

cahoots with each other.

He smiled contemptuously. “What’s the matter? Are you after money? Okay, come and get it if you can.” With that said, he

raised his hand, unbuttoned his suit jacket, and took it off.

Then, he took off the luxury watch he wore on his wrist.

Their eyes immediately flashed with envy at the sight of that

was genuine, it must be worth


Chapter 2423

big target, after all!

toward Martin


once poor, the Weiss family had always been affluent except for those difficult years. Martin Weiss had received various combat training

was up against several people, he was not on the losing end. Instead, every punch he threw was deadly. He had been drinking, so the alcohol made him

stunned as they did not expect to have offended someone tough. The woman

at the beginning was dumbfounded as well.

up a man and

wall, causing the

covered with blood, the woman

However, she did not even have

the thugs were all down and the woman was lying limp

ground, a voice rang out. “I wanted to

like you don’t need

up only to see a tall

Chapter 2423 slowly.


of his mouth

small. Not only did

but also Brian.

into you here. It’s been a while,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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