Chapter 2424

When the woman listened to everyone talk, she became


Gosh, who the hell did I offend today? Could an ordinary man peak to the crown prince like that?!

Outside the bar, Brian saw Martin Weiss, who had a bruised

ace, getting into the car alone. He said, “Why don’t you get in

ny car and let me take you back? I’m afraid it’s inconvenient

or you to drive when you’re injured.”

‘No thanks.” Martin Weiss refused. However, as soon as he

opened the car door, he suddenly turned around and asked, “You… love Grace, don’t you?”

Brian’s expression changed slightly. “What’s the matter? Since when did you become interested in other people’s relationships, Chairman Weiss?”

Martin Weiss continued by asking, “If you can hypnotize yourself to forget your feelings for her, would you be willing to

do it?”

understand what you mean, Chairman Weiss,”


Chapter 2424


just be like a movie in your mind, while you’re an audience member. You won’t feel anything toward the relationship. Would you opt for it?”

I lost those feelings, I don’t know


fell on Martin Weiss’s bruised face, and his eyes seemed to sympathize with him. “It’s sad if you don’t even have such feelings.

was silent, not expecting such


back, then I’ll say my goodbyes.” Brian turned to leave after saying that. He got into another car

“Keep a closer

Chapter 2424

many people are

the other end


out the car window to see Martin Weiss getting

looked thoughtfully at the car that gradually drove away. He did not expect Martin Weiss to ask

‘Forget those feelings?

loved Grace?’ The thought seemed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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