Chapter 2425

If he did not even have such strong feelings, then… what

would he be left with?


It was just like the state he was in now. Even if he no longer felt the pain of not getting what he wanted, he felt empty as if he had lost something important.

When Martin Weiss pushed the hotel room door open, he saw that the lights in the room were still switched on. Kyla lay on

the couch, still awake.

“You’re back,” she said. However, she was startled when she

saw the bruises on his face that he had gotten from the fight.

She hurried forward with a worried look and asked, “What

happened to your face? What happened? Have you… been drinking?”

As soon as she approached him, the smell of alcohol rushed to

the tip of her nose.

“I drank a little. Go to

to the closet, got a change of clothes, and

into the bathroom.

Chapter 2425


his face, his body had endured many punches.

over him.

he asked himself

his hand and pressed it against his heart. The empty

out of the bathroom,

She was sitting on the

kit was on the coffee table in front of her.

for it from room

medicine,” said Kyla.


to reach the bed when her hand

his. She said, “Apply some medicine.”

looked at her darkly. “I

his eyes. “But you said we’re married

Shouldn’t a husband take good care of

and children?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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