Chapter 2427

“Yeah, I’m… not in love with you. I’ll be careful,” she murmured

as she looked down.

His fingers suddenly let go of her hand. “Then don’t behave in ways that’ll make me misunderstand.” With that said, he put on his bathrobe again and got up.

However, the moment he got up, there seemed to be a

familiar pain spreading from his heart.

It was as if he had felt the pain so many times… It was the pain

he would feel whenever she said she did not love him!

‘I’ve forgotten my affections for her. Why… am I feeling this

pain again?


The hands by the sides of his body clenched as Martin Weiss

repeatedly asked himself. However, there was no answer!

William had told Jasper about many interesting places in Deer City, so much so that Jasper insisted on visiting them.

Chapter 2427


Grace and Jason took the

spots in Deer

the three little ones, Grace thought her

like a third wheel.

it, Jasper seemed to have a

was William, while Mason had

was the only one


mind?” Jason

the boat looked around curiously

William introduced the scenery

like he was reciting from

made people wonder if he had memorized the

thinking it’s lucky that Jasper met a childhood sweetheart like William. Children’s feelings are the

will meet his childhood sweetheart,”

said emotionally.

matter? Do you wish for Mick to have a childhood

Don’t you think the

sweet and

Chapter 2427


childhood sweetheart too?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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