Chapter 2428

She could not see his expression now, but his voice and body movements seemed to indicate that he minded this a lot.

Grace thought and said, “Maybe.”

“I thought you would say no,” he muttered.

“I don’t want to lie to you. We agreed to be honest at all times,”

she said.

His arm tightened around her. “If only I was your childhood

sweetheart and had met you earlier…”

“Even if I did have childhood sweethearts, I would still fall for you all the same,” said Grace.

“Really? You’re not just saying that to cheer me up, are you?” He looked up and stared at her intently.

She smiled and cupped his face. “Didn’t I say I wouldn’t lie to you? Speaking of which, I wish I had met you sooner. If I had met you when I was little, you certainly would’ve been so


slightly. She was the only one who

Chapter 2428

describe him

Grace’s phone rang

an unfamiliar number.

lead on Amber


looking for Amber Mitchell, but Brian

been transferred out of the hospital, but I’ve found out where she is

Amber Mitchell been transferred

there. You’d better be careful

here. I’ll send

Grace received a location from

found?” Jason’s voice rang

Grace’s ears.

he found her. He’s nearby the place where

Mitchell is being held,”

Chapter 2428

They had just mentioned Brian and he had found the person

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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