Chapter 2432

She could only say that… she seemed to have given birth to a genius!

The computer expert instantly became silent. The Barlow family’s security system was famous in Deer City.

If the child really did hack into the Barlow family’s security system previously, the Mitchell family’s security system… should be a piece of cake for him.

About half an hour later, Mick Reed’s childlike voice was heard saying, “There are several entry points for me to hack into the system. Should we disable the system now?”

“No, not yet. Disable the system later when needed,” Grace said quickly.

“Okay,” the little one nodded and said before furiously typing

on his mini laptop.

Jason and Brian set out to figure out how to get Amber

Mitchell out of the mansion after the security system was


“How many men do you have at hand?” Jason asked Brian.

My Gorgeous Wife is an Ex-Convict!

Chapter 2432


She could only say that… she seemed to have given birth to a


instantly became

system was famous in

the Mitchell family’s security system… should be a piece of cake for

later, Mick Reed’s childlike voice was heard

for me to hack into

disable the

the system later when

and said before furiously typing on his mini

to figure out how to get Amber



many men do you have at hand?”

Chapter 2432

Jason’s question. “Ten skilled


let the men sneak in and

The two went


Amber Mitchell. Amber Mitchell will be sent to the psychiatrist as soon as she

nodded, indicating he was alright with that.

front of her, Grace had a strange. feeling. In her impression, it was


start the mission, they began to arrange their own men.

experts to cooperate

that Brian found were naturally elites in the field. When they first saw that they had to work with

had no complaints and were just surprised

Chapter 2432

they saw the little one in action.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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