Chapter 2433

The sound of Grace retching came from the washroom.


“What’s the matter? Has she been unwell lately?” Brian asked

Jason in a panic.

Jason frowned. “I’m not sure.”

“Not sure? Aren’t you her husband? Why don’t you know if she hasn’t been feeling well?” Brian asked.

Jason’s eyes darkened, and he said coldly, “Who are you to ask me that? Just like what you said, I’m her husband. I’ll take care of her. Don’t say things you shouldn’t say!”

Brian’s expression stiffened suddenly. ‘Yeah, who am I?’

He did not even know if Grace still regarded him as a friend or

if he was someone she wanted to avoid.

“Brian, I don’t care why you’re helping Grace, but you’d better

forever be


made Brian’s face pale.

Chapter 2433


because he did not have

right to.

Jason, not

as she came out, she saw Jason and Brian standing opposite each other. Jason looked solemn, while


stepped forward to

over you? Are you okay?”

throwing up. Maybe I ate too little at noon and

ate,” said Grace.

It’ll be easy to digest and

a nod and glanced at Brian’s

were just chatting

said to Brian.

fell on Grace’s almond-shaped eyes

Chapter 2433

‘Is her concern partly due to me?’

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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