Chapter 2457

“Is there… something on my face?”

“No, and you’re not who I want to protect. It’s the baby you’re carrying,” he said against his conviction. It was as if he did not want to admit that he would always be overwhelmed whenever he saw her pained look, especially when her belly was hurting.

It was as if he wished he could endure the pain on her behalf.

‘What’s wrong with me?’ Martin Weiss secretly asked himself. Was even hypnosis unable to erase his love because the love was too deep?

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became awkward.

Fortunately, the doctor and nurse in the ambulance eased the atmosphere by asking Kyla if she had any discomfort.

When the car arrived in Emerald City, Kyla was taken to

Municipal Women’s Hospital for a series of tests.

As soon as the test reports came out, the specialists were already waiting for the consultation session.

Kyla did not know that Martin Weiss would also be attending

Chapter 2457

consultation with the


she was wheeled back to the ward by the nurse, she saw her mother and Nelson, whom she

the sight of the

are so many specialists working together to treat me. It’ll be okay,” said Kyla as she comforted

was not sure either. She had no idea whether she could survive this, but

okay?” Nelson Corbyn’s little face was grave. His eyes which were similar

son, Kyla only felt that Nelson was becoming increasingly like Martin Weiss

“I’ll be alright for you and Grandma. When your sibling is

sternly. “I’ll take good care of

Chapter 2457

smiled with relief.

left with Nelson Corbyn. Kyla


VIP ward


someone pushed the door open and


at Kyla sound asleep, Martin Weiss suddenly found it ironic. She was

because of her.

consultation session and had a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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