Chapter 2458

It hurt again…

Martin Weiss’s hand instantly covered his heart. ‘Why is my


heart hurting again? How much do I love this woman that it’s

so painful even now?’

Martin Weiss hit his heart repeatedly as if to distract himself from the physical pain…

Kyla had no idea how long she slept, but she seemed to have a vague feeling that she was being watched in her sleep.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Martin Weiss sitting on the couch on one side of the ward. His dark eyes were staring straight at her.

Kyla shuddered and slowly propped herself up. “What… are you doing here?” She glanced out of the window and saw that

it was still dark. It was obvious that it was not dawn yet.

He continued to stare at her in silence, his thin lips pressing

together tightly.

her lip uneasily. “If you’re worried about the baby in my belly, I can promise you that I’ll try my

Chapter 2458



going to give birth to them prematurely. I

day they stay

chances of survival.”

said that to reassure

Martin Weiss’s face

day the baby is inside. her increases the danger she’ll be

you think I’ll save you no matter what happens to you and that I’ll take the risk for you

the silent ward.

you don’t need to take any

choice, and I’ll bear

and rushed to her hospital

that his eyes were scarlet red. “What happened to your eyes?” She reached

Chapter 2458


how are you going to bear the

gripped hers so hard that it hurt. It felt as though his hand was made


is the only thing I


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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