Chapter 2462

The security guards’ expressions changed slightly at this. Finally, one of them reluctantly made an internal call. “There are two people who claim to know Mr. Moss and want to enter…”

Before the security guard finished speaking, Jason took the phone and said to the other end of the line, “I’m Jason. My wife Grace and I would like to see Mr. Moss now. Would you please put Mr. Moss on the phone?”

There was silence on the other end of the line. Moments later, Daley Moss’s voice came. “Jason?”

“It’s me. I’m sorry to bother you so late at night, but I happened to learn that you’re in the cemetery. My wife and I are just outside the cemetery. We’re here to take Amber Mitchell back to the hospital,” Jason said calmly as if they were having an ordinary conversation.

“Take her back?” Daley Moss’s voice sounded vaguely displeased.

“What else could it be? If something happens to her in your family’s cemetery, you probably won’t be able to explain yourself. After all, her issue is such a big deal right now. Who knows how the media will write about her and your brother’s history if something happens to her in the cemetery?” Jason said indifferently.

Chapter 2462


Moss seemed to speak through clenched teeth, “Jason, are

just talking about a possibility,”

to the security guard. I’ll ask them to let you in.”

guard ended the call and respectfully let them into the cemetery with another

kneeling in front of Herman Moss’s grave while surrounded

his wife, and the cemetery’s

at Amber Mitchell coldly and said sharply, “So what if you came to pay your respects? Is my brother going to come back to life if you get on your knees? He won’t come back to life. He never will. He shouldn’t have

as if she were a

up to Amber Mitchell. “Come on. Let’s

looked up, her lips quivering as she

Chapter 2462

I want to finish burning

glanced at the half-burned incense scattered on the ground and sighed.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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