Chapter 2463


Grace continued saying, “How would your eldest brother feel if he knows that the woman he protected with his life was kneeling in front of his grave like this but couldn’t even offer him. incense?”

Daley Moss’s expression turned ghastly.

Moments later, he looked coldly at Amber Mitchell. “If you want to burn incense for my eldest brother, kowtow a hundred times in front of his grave! I want to see you do it!”

Everyone around them looked startled as soon as he said that.

Grace slightly frowned, but Amber Mitchell finally smiled as if she had hope again. “Okay, I’ll kowtow.”

When she finished speaking, she kowtowed in front of the tombstone with loud thuds.

The sound of her actions was clear in the silent cemetery.

She was already weak and had so many wounds, both old and new, on her body. If she kowtowed a

the cemetery?” Grace asked as

Chapter 2463


decision. It has nothing to do with the rest!”

“But she…”

Amber Mitchell’s choice. She knows what she’s doing. I know you want to help her, but she’s doing it willingly. Perhaps she’ll feel

and just stood

and bleeding. The blood left traces on the gray stone

you should stop now. Your body won’t be able to take it if you keep on kowtowing.” Grace

to Daley Moss, persuaded her husband. “Why don’t you… let her offer him

the matter? Do you feel sorry for her?” Daley Moss

he looked at his

husband loved her very much, she also knew that her husband’s taboo was his eldest brother, who

Chapter 2463

his mood would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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