Chapter 2476

Her remarks were aimed at those who were helping Amber Mitchell.

Amber Mitchell’s gaze went cold. “Trusting my family is why I ended up like this. Outsiders rescued me and proved that I’m a normal person. Tell me who I’m supposed to believe now.”

“Sis, you’ve misunderstood. You were ill at the time. The doctor’s diagnosis report was clear, and there was more than one doctor involved. It’s impossible that they were all wrong in their diagnosis, right?”

Just then, someone among the reporters exclaimed, “Gosh, a doctor confessed online that the Mitchell family bribed them, so they diagnosed Amber Mitchell to be mentally ill without going. through an examination.”

“Gosh, really?”

“If that’s true, did the Mitchell family intend to drive their eldest daughter insane?”

“Are the conspiracy theories online true? Did the Mitchell family imprison Amber Mitchell in a mental hospital and made her out to be a mental patient even though she was fine just to gain her shares?”

The Mitchell family turned pale at the conversation around

Chapter 2476 them.


raised their microphones and asked them all kinds of tough

family what they thought of the doctor’s confession on the

phone and looked at the words on

the doctor even listed their financial transactions with the Mitchell family. They even

recordings had yet to be released, but Louise Mitchell

going on here? Didn’t I tell the doctor to lay low for a while? I made it clear I’d pay them a good sum of money once this is over.’

confession had now become evidence against the Mitchell

Amber Mitchell’s side immediately formed a

to interview Amber Mitchell,

Chapter 2476

blocked by the

got into the car and saw



the car.

this was going to happen?” Amber

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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