Chapter 2477

“Can I drop by somewhere first before I go to the accommodation you’ve arranged for me?” she asked.

Grace froze. “Where do you want to go?”

“the Moss family’s residence,” she said.

Her remaining nine fingers clasped together. She looked



When Grace accompanied Amber Mitchell to the Moss family’s house, she was surprised to see Brian in the living room.

Grace immediately froze, while a trace of warmth appeared on Brian’s usually indifferent face upon seeing Grace.

Mrs. Moss, Whitney Herrera, sighed to herself when she saw this. It seemed that what she heard was true.

who had become

Brian had a falling

Chapter 2477

Whitney Herrera even more


Jason and Brian were important people and had seen all sorts

pretty, gentle, and graceful, but she was not exactly stunning.

outstanding men who loved her, so she must have special charms.

to meet Amber Mitchell. Even though she had kowtowed a hundred times to offer incense to his eldest brother, Daley Moss still

look when the servants announced their arrival. They had been married

Amber Mitchell, he still had to

family and… the Hart family as her supporters.

wife was planning to make a comeback, he had to meet them if

Mitchell. “Amber Mitchell,

Chapter 2477


cemetery that night? Do you want to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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