Chapter 2478

“Are you doubting the police’s investigation report, then?” Daley Moss asked.

“That’s one thing. Another is that I recall Herman asking why the car was so hot and whether there was something wrong with the air conditioning when he was driving. But I didn’t feel so at that time. I thought that the car was cool enough, freezing even. Even if it’s different for everyone, this is too significant.”


After a pause, Amber Mitchell concluded, “I suspect someone might have spiked Herman’s food so that his physical senses would react differently from normal.”

“Are you saying someone might have drugged him?” Daley Moss narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

“That’s all I can think of,” said Amber Mitchell, who had spent years in the mental hospital reliving the accident.

Daley Moss chuckled suddenly. “It was so many years ago. Why didn’t you bring up such details after the accident but now? How am I supposed to believe you’re not making this up?”

“I was so confused with everything that happened, and Herman… died trying to protect me. I just thought it was an accident. I didn’t even want to recall it,” answered Amber Mitchell.

Chapter 2478

you recall it afterward?”


thought about the car accident

accident that had kept her from

to find out the truth about the car accident. She could not let the truth about Herman’s death

went to the cemetery that night? Why did you choose to

think I was normal yet before I went for the consultation. Today, the results were released that I’m not mentally ill, so whatever I say can’t be dismissed as me being

she knew she had nothing even if she was proven to

retrieve her shares smoothly. Besides that, she had no financial resources and had lost all her connections. Even if Kyla and Grace were willing to help her, they were

Chapter 2478


had always respected Herman and was committed to finding out the truth about his eldest brother’s death.

Mitchell’s comment got Daley Moss thinking.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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