Chapter 2489

Grace said, “Not really. Someone left a file at my hotel room door and rang my doorbell. I opened the door and saw the file. There was a detailed description of how you lost your finger and a list of people who were there at the time.”

Amber Mitchell was shocked. “Who left the file?”

Grace said, “I’m not sure. That person wore a cap and a thick coat. They left after making sure I had seen the information. They took a taxi outside the hotel and deliberately avoided the surveillance cameras on the road. The car had a fake number plate, so we couldn’t find it.”

Grace said. All this was seen on the surveillance footage


“Who is it?” Amber Mitchell was puzzled.

“Whoever it is, they probably gave it to me to help you or because they have a grudge against Louise Mitchell.” Grace surmised.

‘Help me? Who else would help me but Grace and Kyla?

‘the Moss family?

thing. Even though Herman’s car accident wasn’t an accident,

Chapter 2489

will only focus on finding the real culprits rather than trying to prove that

“Then… who else?

did that for me now that I have nothing?’


Amber Mitchell stopped thinking

in Deer City to contact you. You can consult them about any legal

had said thank you many times these days.

can come to us anytime if you’re willing to

think about it,” said Amber Mitchell.

about to get into her car when a car suddenly pulled up and stopped

saw her face, there was a flash of surprise in


also similar to hers, and that added a little more similarity.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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