Chapter 2490

Perhaps it was because she seemed gentle and polite, but there was a hint of calculation in her eyes.


“Okay, we’ll talk here, then,” Grace said, wanting to see what she was trying to do.

Whitney Cooper looked at the two bodyguards beside Grace

and said reluctantly, “I don’t want other people to hear what

I’m going to say to you, Mrs. Reed. Why don’t we talk about it somewhere else?”

“That will be difficult because my husband has arranged many ‘other people’ around me to protect me. Even if we go somewhere else, they’ll still be there and hear whatever you have to say,” said Grace.

eyes glimmered with displeasure, but it quickly disappeared. Her face showed a sad expression. “Well, I hope you can cut off his yearning for you once and

that said, Whitney Cooper said with feigned self-mockery, “I know I’m only your substitute rather than a secretary to Brian, but I truly love Brian

in front of

Chapter 2490


concerned about Brian, Grace had met many people over the years. She could see that the woman had

me to do?” she asked nonchalantly.

to Brian to make him give up so that

what good will it do you?” Grace asked.

for me…” Her eyes flickered as she

see. I thought you’d gain something out of it and that’s why you especially came

it for Brian’s sake. I hope he won’t dwell on the past anymore. Mrs. Reed, will you agree?” Whitney Cooper said

as Grace spoke harshly to Brian, Brian would be hurt and depressed again. She would then take the opportunity to

enough to get pregnant, she

she went past Whitney Cooper to get

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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