Chapter 2498

Grace bit her lip slightly, lowered her head, and gently caressed her belly. Though he did not directly reject the idea of keeping the baby, she understood what he meant.

If she were not pregnant, she would use contraceptives and choose not to have children.

However, the accident had happened, and she had gotten pregnant. How could a mother give up her child so easily? Taking a deep breath, she looked up at Jason. “It’s still unclear how the baby is doing and what my physical condition is like. We still need another pregnancy check-up. Why don’t we decide after getting the results of the check-up?”

He looked at her wary eyes and finally uttered softly, “Okay.”

Grace finally let out a sigh of relief. She raised her hand, hugged Jason, and said, “Jay, don’t worry. It’s been six years since I last gave birth. Since I had a C-section, I can have another baby after two years. Besides, I’ve been taking care of my health. It won’t be that bad.”

“No matter what happens, promise me you’ll prioritize yourself if you have to choose between you and the baby, okay? I don’t want to face the same situation as Martin Weiss one day!” Jason murmured.

Grace froze, knowing that he had thought of Kyla’s current

Chapter 2498


had been in the hospital every day. Martin Weiss said nothing about it, but he would go to the

had no idea about this.

knew because Jay had told her on the phone earlier. The bodyguard he had assigned to protect Kyla at the

what Martin Weiss thought


his character to spend

Martin Weiss would be willing to…

could not have been

though Martin Weiss had some feelings for

can use his blood and liver to save Kyla if she’s in danger. But if you’re in real danger, what can I offer for your safety?” He had lived in fear every day when

Chapter 2498


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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