Chapter 2499

She risked her life to save those three kids back then. What would she risk for the baby in her belly now?


Martin Weiss came to Kyla’s ward again at night. He could not explain why he could only calm down and fall asleep after seeing her sleeping face in the dead of night.

However, what surprised him this time was that she was not

asleep when he walked into the ward.

He turned around, wanting to leave.

“Don’t go!” shouted Kyla. She would have run out of bed to grab him had her belly not made it difficult to get on and out of bed.

Martin Weiss paused and stayed in the ward.

here to see me?” Kyla

falling on her sallow face. Her complexion was getting worse these days, and he knew

they took out the baby, her current liver would not last

Chapter 2499


if you’re not, I feel lucky to have seen

fickle? When I appeared in front of you, you told me not to appear in front of you again and bother your peaceful life. Now, you feel happy

not said anything to her, she could still

and her body was getting more and more

at you?” she asked. She might not be able to see him like this in years




a free man again

that necessary? Do you think you haven’t seen enough of me?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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