Chapter 2515

“That’s troublesome. If we can’t get Louise Mitchell this time, I’m afraid it’ll be difficult to convict her in the future,” said Jason. The Gregory family was no pushover and had great influence in Deer City.

“Amber Mitchell is now collecting additional evidence, and the Moss family has agreed to help her.”

“the Moss family is willing to help her?” Jason was surprised. After all, Daley Moss hated Amber Mitchell to the core.

“It’s because the car accident that led to Herman Moss’s death was probably planned by Louise Mitchell! Besides, Louise Mitchell is the biggest beneficiary of the accident,” said Grace.

Jason raised his eyebrows. “It seems that the Gregory family doesn’t know Louise Mitchell is the mastermind of the accident. If they knew, George Gregory wouldn’t have married Louise Mitchell.”

“They probably don’t know yet, but Amber Mitchell is keeping the news to herself for now. She’s afraid of acting rashly and alerting the enemy, which will be bad if evidence stacks up against her.”

Jason sighed. “If the truth comes out, George Gregory will be in for a shock.”

Chapter 2515


sent to the mental hospital, he married Louise Mitchell without a word. Perhaps he only cared about money. He would marry anyone

had no sympathy for

When Kyla played the video of Amber Mitchell in the hospital in front of the reporters, the shock and pain in George Gregory’s eyes did not

and George Gregory understood that Amber Mitchell had never done him wrong, it would be when George Gregory

efficient. Soon, they found the whereabouts of Stan Lucas, Sandra Lucas’s younger

houses and a bakery. He also had a wife and children. One could say that

the timeline of when Stan Lucas gained his fortune, she found that two of

Chapter 2515


was no way they had so much money to buy two houses and one store. The total amount added up to over five million

Mitchell’s account.

had given her, Stan Lucas needed to

Stan Lucas first to

she heard a nurse hurrying past her while saying, “Is it true that there’s not enough type-B blood in the hospital’s blood

major surgery. fast updateBoth happen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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